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"Cyber Security Pen-Test Tools" ACM Distinguished speaker Gururaj H L

Abstract: Penetration testing, also called pen testing, is a cyber-attack simulation launched on your computer system. The simulation helps discover points of exploitation and test IT breach security. By doing consistent pen testing, businesses can obtain expert, unbiased third-party feedback on their security processes. Though potentially time-consuming and costly, pen testing can help prevent extremely expensive and damaging breaches. Experts can ensure that testing does not damage the network, and they can also provide better insights into vulnerabilities.

Gururaj H L joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Malnad College of Engineering (India), as Assistant Professor in July 2013. Currently he is working as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, Vidya Vardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru (India).
He has been involved in research projects in a range of settings including, agriculture, health, education, arts, culture, and community. He leads the research, design and development community WiNG-Wireless inter Networking Group (
 He is a multidisciplinary Computer Scientist who has worked on Computer Network and its Applications for the past 08 years. He has worked on QoS Aware Network Congestion Control, Network Security, Cloud Computing and Machine Learning is tremendous. He delivered many technical talks and honored as Resource Person in various National workshops on Cyber Security and Network Simulators.  He is an ACM Distinguished Speaker from 2018.

Enrolled To
Sandeep Shukla
External Speakers
Student Name & Roll No.
Gururaj H L , ACM Distinguished speaker
Venue Details
RM 101, CSE Department